Dr. Weronika JAKUBCZAK

Current Positions
• Associate Professor, Main School of Fire Services (MSFS), Poland
• Advisor at Government Center for Security, Poland
Academic Background
• Obtained the title of habilitated doctor at the Naval Academy in 2014, Poland
• Doctorate in 2009 at the National Defense University, Poland
• Postgraduate studies at the Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
• Graduate of the School of American Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, Poland
Past Experiences
• 2023.05.25 : Chair of "Strengthening the Resilience of States and Societies" panel in Defence24 Day Conference
• She conducts research and lectures and publishes on globalization, cybersecurity, environmental security, irregular and hybrid activities, critical infrastructure
• 2007-2014 : She advised European Parliament on security and defense, foreign policy, innovation and energy as well as development
• Her professional practice also include work for Asian and European universities and companies from the private and public sectors. She practiced, among others, as a lawyer dealing with international taxes in one of the largest consulting companies (Ernest & Young)